"The global chain of violence has allied millions of women around the world

"The global chain of violence has allied millions of women around the world!"


On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

This is the cry of Neda whose kind heart was stopped by the thugs of the Islamic regime!

This is the cry of Taraneh whom Islamic Republic murderers, arrested and raped – and then they burned her body!

The cry of Hajieh, the 20-year-old divorced woman from Somalia stoned to death because she dared to love someone!

The cry of a 13 year-old Iraqi girl killed by the men of her family!

The cry of Mahboubeh, an 11-year-old Azerbaijani girl forcefully married to a 65 year-old man!

The cry of Lucy, an American girl who was killed by the man who supposedly "loved" her!

The cry of a 15 year-old girl from Lithuania who was sold for 3,500 pounds to a brothel in Birmingham!

The cry of Lesley, a 20 year-old woman who was gang raped in the Dakotas in the U.S.!

The cry of 80 percent of Afghan women who are victims of home violence!

The cry of 731 Pakistani women who dared report their rape to the authorities in the last year!

The cry of 2,000 young women and teenage girls raped in Zimbabwe in just three months in 2008!

The cry of several millions of German, French, British and other European women who have been victims of rape, home violence and the sex trade!

The cry of 46 percent of Swedish women over the age of 15 who have experienced male violence!

The cry of the two million 5 to 15 year-old girls who enter the sex trade every year!

The global chain of violence against women has allied millions of women around the world. The violence that more than 3 billion women experience is the chain whose two ends are welded by the rings of governmental and home violence.

As the chain of violence against women becomes more global, women's struggle and resistance has taken global dimensions. Women are inspired by each other's struggles, and see advances in any part of the world as their own.

Let's have a look at Iran, where for thirty years the extreme inferior position and oppression of women has been one of the main pillars of the Islamic regime. These three decades have also been years of women's struggle and resistance.

Outrage and hatred for their oppression has woven together the existence of millions of women over the last 30 years. These feelings are flowing like molten lava in the streets, universities and schools, workplaces and homes, in order to shatter the chains of gender oppression so that women can put an end with their own hand to any kind of state and home violence against them.

That is why the world witnesses that women are in the frontline of the struggle against the anti-woman Islamic regime. Because it is clear for many women that the overthrow of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the building of a new world, a world free of any kind of oppression and exploitation, is not possible without the elimination of all forms of gender oppression and violence


8March Women’s Organisation (Iran-Afghanistan)

November 2009


www.8mars.com   /  zan_dem_iran@hotmail.com